Kwale International Sugar Company Limited (KISCOL) is a $400 million sugar processing facility commissioned in 2015 incorporating 5,500 hectares of cultivated cane, a 3,300 tones-crushed-per-day sugar mill, an 18 megawatt bagasse-fired power plant and a sophisticated irrigation and water management system, resulting in affordable, locally grown sugar. The project commenced operations in 2014. It is a Pabari Group flagship project.

On full capacity, the facility will also sustain an impressive 30,000 liters ethanol generation plant. The projected sugar production would help in meeting the deficit of Kenya’s sugar consumption, which is approximately 400,000 metric tones per year.

With state-of-the art technology, including a sub-surface drip-fed irrigation system, KISCOL saves on 40% of the water requirements for crop growth. With the systems put in place, KISCOL harvests about 60 tons of rain fed cane per hectare and 100 tons of irrigated cane per hectare. At least 1200 registered out-growers produce sugarcane on 4,200 hectares of land.

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